stoQ: Analysis. Simplified.

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stoQ is a automation framework that helps to simplify the more mundane and repetitive tasks an analyst is required to do. It allows analysts and DevSecOps teams the ability to quickly transition from different data sources, databases, decoders/encoders, and numerous other tasks. stoQ was designed to be enterprise ready and scalable, while also being lean enough for individual security researchers.


stoQ can be run in several modes to include interactive shell, single file, entire directories, monitoring directories for new files, and queue mode. Let’s go over some of the simplest ways of using stoQ.

Basic Usage via Interactive Shell

stoQ provides a simply interactive shell interface. This interface is designed to allow a user to interact with stoQ and stoQ plugins on a much more granular level than via the command line.

To enter the interactive shell, simply run stoQ with the shell argument.:

bash$ stoq shell

    _______ _________ _______  _______
    (  ____ \__   __/(  ___  )(  ___  )
    | (    \/   ) (   | (   ) || (   ) |
    | (_____    | |   | |   | || |   | |
    (_____  )   | |   | |   | || |   | |
          ) |   | |   | |   | || | /\| |
    /\____) |   | |   | (___) || (_\ \ |
    \_______)   )_(   (_______)(____\/_)

            Analysis. Simplified.

[stoQ] >

Once in the interactive shell, you can run the help command for a complete listing of available commands. Please view the StoqShell documentation for a more exhaustive list of directions.

Basic Usage via Command Line

In order to use stoQ via the command line, at least two options must be defined. The worker plugin that should be loaded, and the source of input. In order to see a basic usage help, simply execute stoq:

bash$ stoq

    |S.--. ||T.--. ||O.--. ||Q.--. |
    | :/\: || :/\: || :/\: || (\/) |
    | :\/: || (__) || :\/: || :\/: |
    | '--'S|| '--'T|| '--'O|| '--'Q|
          Analysis. Simplified.

    stoq [command] [<args>]

    Available Commands:
        help    Display help message
        shell   Launch an interactive shell
        list    List plugins available
        worker  Load specified worker plugin
        install Install a stoQ plugin

To view a complete listing of available plugins simply call stoq with the list command line argument:

bash$ stoq list

    _______ _______  _____   _____
    |______    |    |     | |   __|
    ______|    |    |_____| |____\|

         Analysis. Simplified.

Available Plugins:
    - s3                  v0.1    Sends and retrieves content from Amazon S3 buckets
    - queue               v0.1    Send results to a queuing system, such as RabbitMQ
    - mongodb             v0.9    Sends and retrieves content from MongoDB
    - emailer             v0.1    Send results to recipients via e-mail
    - elasticsearch       v0.2    Saves content to an ElasticSearch index
    - stdout              v0.9    Sends content to STDOUT
    - file                v0.9    Retrieves and saves content to local disk
    - fluentd             v0.1    Sends content to a fluentd server
    - rabbitmq            v0.9    Publish and Consume messages from a RabbitMQ Server
    - dirmon              v0.9    Monitor a directory for newly created files for processing
    - filedir             v0.9    Ingest a file or directory for processing
    - pe                  v0.9    Carve portable executable files from a data stream
    - swf                 v0.9    Carve and decompress SWF payloads
    - ole                 v0.9    Carve OLE streams within Microsoft Office Documents
    - xdp                 v0.9    Carve and decode streams from XDP documents
    - rtf                 v0.9    Carve hex/binary streams from RTF payloads
    - basicworker         v0.1    StoQ framework example of a basic worker plugin
    - peinfo              v0.9    Gather relevant information about an executable using pefile
    - passivetotal        v0.5    Query PassiveTotal API for a domain or IP address
    - threatcrowd         v0.1    Interact with ThreatCrowd API
    - opswat              v0.9    Submit content to an OPSWAT Metascan server for scanning and retrieve the results
    - exif                v0.9    Processes a payload using ExifTool
    - publisher           v0.9    Publish messages to single or multiple RabbitMQ queues for processing
    - trid                v0.4    Identify file types from their TrID signature
    - totalhash           v0.7    Query TotalHash API for analysis results
    - xorsearch           v0.9    Search a payload for XOR'd strings
    - clamav              v0.1    Scan content with ClamAV
    - yara                v0.9    Process a payload using yara
    - censys              v0.2    Interact with API
    - iocextract          v0.9    Utilizes reader/iocregex plugin to extract indicators of compromise from documents
    - vtmis               v0.9    Interact with VTMIS public and private API
    - slack               v0.9    Interact with StoQ Plugins using Slack as an interface
    - fireeye             v0.1    Saves a file into a directory fireeye monitors via CIFS for analysis
    - pdftext             v0.9    Extract text from a PDF document
    - tika                v0.1    Upload content to a Tika server for automated text extraction
    - iocregex            v0.9    Regex routines to extract and normalize IOC's from a payload
    - decompress          v0.9    Extract content from a multitude of archive formats
    - gpg                 v0.1    Handle GnuPG encrypted content
    - rot47               v0.1    Decode ROT47 encoded content
    - bitrot              v0.1    Rotate bits left or right. Defaults to 4 bits right for nibble swapping.
    - b64                 v0.1    Decode base64 encoded content
    - b85                 v0.1    Decode base85 encoded content
    - xor                 v0.1    Decode XOR encoded content

Now that we have a complete listing of available worker and connector plugins, we can begin processing data. Let’s say that we have a file named bad.exe that we want to process with the yara worker plugin. We also want the results to be displayed to our console. We can simply run stoQ with the following command line arguments:

bash$ stoq yara -F bad.exe
"date" : "2015-10-29T15:22:55.824563",
"payloads" : 1,
"results" : [ {
        "md5" : "0ace1c67d408986ca60cd52272dc8d35",
        "payload_id" : 0,
        "plugin" : "yara",
        "scan" : [ { "matches" : true,
                     "meta" : {
                             "author" : "PUNCH Cyber Analytics Group",
                             "cve" : "N/A",
                             "description" : "Badness",
                             "type" : "Suspicious String",
                             "version" : "1.0",
                             "weight" : 100
                     "namespace" : "default",
                     "rule" : "win_api_LoadLibrary",
                     "strings" : [
                     "tags" : [  ]
        "sha1" : "5a04547c1c56064855c3c6426448d67ccc1e0829",
        "sha256" : "458f1bb61b7ef167467228141ad44295f3425fbeb6303e9d31607097d6869932",
        "sha512" : "c5dbd244d186546846c25a393edeafdd6604e2a2e04e021a21d0524f7b02d3ecb85c12dba252a11a3bb01c20fb736ca6153e055eef2cf1bc2f15fea667f2fce4",
        "size" : 55208,
        "uuid" : ["da8215ed-89ca-43db-8c96-a8b8231f6a5e"]
    } ]

We can easily change the method the results are handled by modifying the -C flag. Simply replace stdout with another plugin name, such as file or mongodb. The default connector plugin may also be changed by changing the output_connector option in stoq.cfg.

Additionally, output can be customized using stoQ’s templating engine.

Using the queues

Queues enable stoQ to process payloads in a ditributed and scalable manner. In this use case, we will utilize the publisher worker plugin with RabbitMQ. The publisher worker plugin’s primary purpose is to handle files to be ingested, and then notify the other worker plugins that there is a file that is ready to be processed. By default, the publisher worker plugin will notify each of the worker plugins that are defined in publisher.stoq. This can be easily modified at run time by defining one or many -w command line arguments for the publisher. For now, we will assume that the default worker queues (yara, exif, peinfo, trid) are sufficient.

Let’s assume that we have a directory in our current working directory named malicious. We want to monitor this directory, using the dirmon source plugin, for any new files that are created, archive them to MongoDB, and then process them with our default workers listed above:

bash$ stoq publisher -I dirmon -F malicious -A mongodb

Once a file is placed into this directory, the newly created file will be ingested, saved into our MongoDB instance, and a message will be sent to the appropriate queues for processing.

Now, we need to make sure our worker plugins are running so they can processes their newly identified file. In this scenario, since we are saving the file itself into MongoDB, we will also save our worker plugin results into MongoDB:

bash$ stoq yara -I rabbitmq -C mongodb &
bash$ stoq exif -I rabbitmq -C mongodb &
bash$ stoq peinfo -I rabbitmq -C mongodb &
bash$ stoq trid -I rabbitmq -C mongodb &

Indices and tables